The Basics of Poker
Poker is a card game wherein a player must place an amount into the pot in order to receive their initial five cards. After receiving all five cards, a player can either open his hand by showing all of his cards or pass and keep the rest. However, if he has a pair of jacks, he is not obliged to open his hand.
There are two main types of Poker: draw poker and stud poker. In draw poker, all the cards are dealt face down while in stud poker, some cards are dealt face up as betting progresses. In both cases, other players can see all or part of each player’s hand. In Stud Poker, only experienced players can play the game, so the decks are typically stripped of treys and deuces. A typical game of Poker can include up to eight players.
If you hold three, four, or five of a kind, your hand is considered a pair. When the pair of cards is higher than the third card in the hand, you win. However, if you have more than one five-of-a-kind hand, the higher card wins. You can also win a pot if you get the right card combination.
The best hand in poker is the one that combines the highest possible pair of cards. A trip seven is a great example of a “nuts” hand. A turn card of five is the highest possible straight, while the river card is the last seven. In a tie, a straight starting with the highest card wins. Three-of-a-kind or a pair of high cards is also a great hand, but it is always better to call than to fold when the odds are better.